
Configuring Awesomewm

For that, I use a little script:

Hack The Box - RLotto pwned!

RLotto has been Pwned Walkthrough You can take a look at the script I used to solve it: lotto_seer.py Enjoy! ;)

Set a resolution manually in GNU/Linux

Lately I’m having problems with mi secondary screen. For some reason it loses its resolution and I have to add it manually. To add a resolution manually in GNU/Linux we need: Generate a modeli...

Add applications to gnome menu

When we install applications from outside the repositories these applications are not added automatically to the gnome menu. How can we add them to the menu? In gnome applications are added to the...

Hack the box Lost Modulus pwned!

Challenge description I encrypted a secret message with RSA but I lost the modulus. Can you help me recover it? Solution When we extract the Lost Modulus.zip file we found two files: chal...

Start a program automatically on Windows 10

Usually, the ideal is to have the minimum programs running at startup on windows, but sometimes we need to add some program to the startup. To get a program run at startup on Windows 10: Press ...

Hack The Box - The Last Dance pwned!

The Last Dance has been Pwned Enjoy! ;)


netselect-apt is a script to create an apt sources.list file automatically by downloading the list of Debian mirrors and choosing the fastest. Install netselect-apt $ sudo apt install netselect-a...

Disable hibernation on Windows10

Hibernate is a power option that will allow you to turn off your computer but save all the work you had open for when it is turned on again. The downside is that hibernation uses some storage space...

Windows 10 productivity tricks

I am writting this article as a result of a conversation I recently had with a friend. It was a very interesting conversation where, among others, we interchanged some Windows 10 tricks. Clipboard...