Home Problemas con portátil antiguo

Problemas con portátil antiguo

Today I was mentioned on an article in Blog de Kaian El desafortunado: Problemas con portátil antiguo.

Kaian, a great friend of mine IRL, explains how he was able to give a new life to an 16 years old laptop.

As you know, I’m in favor of continuing to use old machines until they die (I still use a few). And, as Kaian is a friend of mine, It makes me happy double to have helped with his problems installing and configuring debian and giving a new purpose to that old laptop.

Blog de Kaian El desafortunado is a blog that deals with sysadmin and cybersecurity topics. Although it’s a brand new blog, looks promising, and I wish Kaian the best of luck :)

Enjoy! ;)

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