Home Hack the box Lost Modulus pwned!

Hack the box Lost Modulus pwned!

Challenge description

I encrypted a secret message with RSA but I lost the modulus. Can you help me recover it?


When we extract the Lost Modulus.zip file we found two files:

  • challenge.py → The script used for the custom RSA implementation
  • output.txt → The encrypted flag

We take a look at the challenge.py script and the RSA implmentation seems legit… We can see that the script is trying to open a flag.txt file:

flag = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip().encode()

And we can see that the given encrypted flag is written in hexadecimal:

print ('Flag:', crypto.encrypt(flag).hex())

Fist of all, I will apply the pep 8 coding conventios to the script, because it’s giving me the creeps… :S

Then I will create the flag.txt file and with the hexadecimal flag contained in the output.txt file (without the ‘Flag: ‘ part).

And now… I found two solutions for this challenge:

The easy way

Since the script has the decrypt function, and seems legit, the first thing is to give it a try… Eventually it will works. So we can automatize this process with a little function:

def decrypt_flag(crypto):
	encrypted_flag_hex = flag.decode()
	encrypted_flag_bytes = bytes.fromhex(encrypted_flag_hex)
	decrypted_flag_bytes = b'' 

	while b'HTB{' not in decrypted_flag_bytes: 
		decrypted_flag_bytes = crypto.decrypt(encrypted_flag_bytes)

	print('Decrypted flag bytes: ', decrypted_flag_bytes)

We call the function from the main passing crypto as argument and wait for it to finish. To do this I only modified the challenge.py script. You can see the full script at EasyWay.py

The cube root attack

Is one of the simpliest attacks on RSA. When encrypting with low encryption exponents (i.e. e = 3) and small values of the m (i.e. m < n1/e), the result of m^e is strictly less than the modulus n. In this case, the modulus n loses its importance, has no effect, and the encryption goes from (m^e)%n to m^e; so: ct = (m^e)%n = m^e and ciphertext can be decrypted easily taking the eth root of the ciphertext: pt = sqrt(e, ct); in this case pt = sqrt(3, m).

To solve this challenge, I did a self-explanatory python script that you can see at CubeRootAttack.py

Challenge results Lost Modulus has been Pwned

Enjoy! ;)

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