Home GNU/Linux console shortcuts cheatsheet

GNU/Linux console shortcuts cheatsheet

Some useful shortcuts to speed up our console use.


  • [TAB] or [CTRL] + i Autocomplete.

  • [CTRL] + u Delete everything from the cursor position to the beginning of the line.
  • [CTRL] + k Delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the line.
  • [CTRL] + w Delete the word before the cursor.
  • [CTRL] + d Delete the character following the cursor.
  • [CTRL] + h Delete the character before the cursor.
  • [CTRL] + SHIFT + c Copy.
  • [CTRL] + SHIFT + v Paste.

  • [ALT] + d Delete until the end of the word.
  • [ALT] + [BACKSPACE] Delete until the start of the word.
  • [ALT] + t Switch current word with previous word.
  • [ALT] + l/u Change the next word to lowercase/uppercase.
  • [ALT] + . Show the last word of the last used command.


  • [CTRL] + r Search through command history for commands that match our search patterns.
  • [↑] or [CTRL] + p Previous command.
  • [↓] or [CTRL] + n Next command.


  • [CTRL] + a Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
  • [CTRL] + e Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
  • [CTRL] + b/f Jump backward/forward one character.
  • [CTRL] + [←]/[→] Jump at the beginning of the current/previous word.

  • [ALT] + b/f Jump backward/forward one word.

Tasks and processes

  • [CTRL] + s Stop command output to the screen.
  • [CTRL] + c Sends SIGINT signal to the current task/process.
  • [CTRL] + d Close STDIN pipe
  • [CTRL] + z Sends the SIGTSTP signal to the current process. Supend current command and send it to background.
  • [CTRL] + q Resume suspended command.


  • [CTRL] + l Clear the terminal.
  • [CTRL] + [+]/[-] Zoom in/out.

There are many more shortcuts (and they are console dependent). I only put the most useful for me.

Enjoy! ;)

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