I have an old raspberry pi running some services 24/7 and with (very protected) remote access enabled.
For some reason the raspberry receives a big number of bruteforce attacks trying to log in.
To know from which locations I was being attacked the most I did a python application to geolocate the failed attempts registered by fail2ban.
I learned many things developing this application. The most remarkable, for me, it was the process of packaging the application in order to upload it to PyPI.
The application is called fail2bangeolocation, and you can install it via pip.
With fail2bangeolocation you can geolocate all the ips registered by fail2ban, all the ips registered for fail2ban only for a certain service or all the ips contained in a fail2ban log file. And you can group the output by country or by country and city.
Output grouped by country
fail2bangeolocation output grouped by country
Output grouped by country and city
fail2bangeolocation output grouped by country and city
You can take a look at the application source code in https://github.com/rubenhortas/fail2bangeolocation
Enjoy! ;)